Sunday, July 26, 2009

racial harmony day


racial harmony was great,
though there's no concert going on...
but we had fun in the class, adil gotta be a "pondan" seminit
he's like the 'mak nyah' wearing all the malay dance thingy.
class keep on laughing at him..

hmmm....alot of people wearing the same cheong sam as mine.. acctually there's 5...1 of them is sleeveless.. my class, lela wore the same as mine..we keep being together, cause,friends keep saying we're like twins...
and i think we're not.... people keep saying im like a real chinese girl..
ahaa....i know i had a fair skin that looks like chinese(when im wearing the cheong sam)..
here are some of the pic i took.. i took less pic dat day...
hmmm, i become "The MOdel Of The Day Too"...
chey !
MOnix keep wanting to take my pic....ahaa....
tnkx babee ! love ya !
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