Saturday, December 19, 2009

awww...i miss my kumpulan Hijau!!!
(Naqibahtun Nur)
the great time we've had each other when we were togethr...
misses the Youth Camp too...
after anta them to Tanah Merah,
i already miss my mother, father fatin and matin...
Selamat Perjalanan ke Bintan..

i pon rindu mcg orang...
i rindu kawan2 i...
i rindu yang menyanyi "im yours" bersama i...
i rindu semua orang lah...
im not missing him...
dier dah ader mainan baru aperhh...
wahhh...konon 'playboy' ker??

btw congrats to sister...
N'level pass jugerr...
keep it up sis!..

nothinsg much...
i sekarang BORED kat uma!!!
feelss like shouting!!

Sunday, December 06, 2009


Pheww!! FINALLY,
Graduation day is OVER!!(last friday)
but im having funn...
i will miss them, Razak, Firdaus, Khairul, the guitarist and the volunteer...
we are a very good team..
GO Youth Boost!!
hmm...about the Singing...everyone says it was GOOD!!
some of the audience says we have a great voice...

hmm that was the last day we meet each other...

maybe, next year we would...
^^this pic i took from the photographer when
we were having our full dress rehearsal

Then at night, khairi called me...
talked to him the whole night untill around 3am..
talk about the graduation day, who we misses, and he's ex....
then we fought....
haha...i dunno wat happen...

BUT whatever....i miss C.F...hees...

2mre weeks to YOUTH CAMP!!
cant wait!!

Thats all i got to update..
nothing much....

Love, Aqilah